Farewell letter

周五, 5月 28, 2010

品味人生|Taste of life

Dear friends:

It is really hard to make this decision and say goodbye to all of you my dear friends, because I will not be here in RBCD anymore from the coming week.

I really appreciate that our company give me this chance a fresh man just graduate from university to work here, we are No.1 in China for diesel fuel injection equipment and exhaust gas treatment. I appreciate that managers give me challenge tasks with encouragement and praise me all the time. I appreciate that all colleagues trust me and give me kindly help when I need it.

Good memories store in my mind, job interview in MeetingRmTCD9, ETP training, business trip to customers, 3 high outdoor test, on-site troubleshooting, Weichai promotion program, mentor of new comers, SRSFS team member, EDC17CV dataset platform team member, activities of trips or games or sports, no matter we are team members or participants or travelers, please keep in mind that we are together and it is our life.

Best wish for our RBCD and best wish for all of you from my deep heart.

I will write to you soon when I am settled and look forward to hear from you, too.
My email address is

Best regards

Sincerely Xi Zhipeng

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- who has written 435 posts on 西小西|

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4 Comments For This Post

  1. twj Says:

    we will miss you!


    西小西 回复:



  2. Always.Life Says:

    :sweat: 还英文了,一周而已?那你放心的去吧


    西小西 回复:



  3. 韦斯特 Says:



    西小西 回复:



  4. lys Says:



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