西小西||吉他专辑推荐|Guitar World|The Guitars That Rule The World, vol 1


专辑英文名: Guitar World

专辑中文名: The Guitars That Rule The World, vol 1

歌手: Paul Gilbert, Reb Beach, Richie Kotzen, Reb Beach, Yngwie.

别名: 吉他英雄传第一集

资源格式: MP3

发行时间: 1991年

语言: 英语


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专辑名称:The Guitars That Rule The World, vol 1
专辑歌手:Paul Gilbert, Reb Beach, Richie Kotzen, Reb Beach, Yngwie.
专辑类型:重金属,布鲁斯/Heavy Metal,Blues
唱片公司:Guitar World CO


14名世界顶尖吉他手共谱划时代经典音符含Nuno、Zakk Wylde、Paul Gilbert、Reb Beach、Richie Kotzen、Reb Beach与Yngwie等吉他巨星
说到吉他手演奏合辑,当然不能遗漏“Guitar Practicing Musicians”与“The Guitars That Rule The World”这两大系列,而这次所要介绍的便是后者的Vol. 1。  这张合辑收录13首精采的演奏曲,并由14名吉他巨星担纲演奏,分别是 Reb Beach (Winger) 的 “Black Magic”,其点弦与摇杆的功力真是令人叹为观止;Richie Sambora 的真功夫完全超越他在 Bon Jovi 的演出,check “Mr. Sambo”;Yngwie Malmsteen 就不用多做介绍,而 “Leviathan” 想必也是新古典吉他乐派的本;Paul Gilbert 不改“吉他顽童”的本性,由空心和电吉他共奏的 “I Understand Completely” 即是例证;来自传奇摇滚乐团 The Cars 的左撇子吉他手 Ellit Easton 贡献了acoustic solo “Walk On Walden” 一曲;Ozzy 的御用吉他手 Zakk Wylde 交出 “Farm Fiddlin”,风格似他的 Pride and Glory乐团;走红日本的 Nuno (Extreme) 则奏出他少见的小调音阶,见 “Bubble Bee”;Testament最著名的吉他手 Alex Skolnick,其后来呈现出的fusion曲风可由 “Filet of Soul” 瞧出端倪;Richie Kotzen 以高技巧奏出 metal/fusion 佳作 “Chype Fluxx”;至于 The Allman Brothers 的吉他双雄 Dickey Betts,Warren Haynes,以及 David Bowie 的吉他手 Reeves Gabrels 和 Earl Slick 则分别弹奏出南方摇滚与特殊的pop rock风格供乐迷与吉他迷欣赏!

01.Reb Beach-Black Magic
02.ichie Sambora-Mr.Sombo
03.Yngwie Malmsteen-Leviathan
04.Paul Gilbert-I Understand Completely
05.Elliot Easton-Walk On Walden
06.Zakk Wylde-Farm Fiddin
07.Nuno Bettencourt-Bumble Bee
08.Alex Skolnick-Filet Of Soul
09.Richie Kotzen-Chype Fluxx
10.Albert Collins-Blues Of Stevie

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- who has written 435 posts on 西小西|

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6 Comments For This Post

  1. 西小西 Says:

    Guitars That Rule the World may be a dubious title ? no matter how talented they are, it´s hard to imagine Richie Kotzen or Reb Beach reigning surpreme over anything ? but for guitar fanatics, the budget-line collection may be worth a look. Each of the guitarists are given leeway to run free, performing their own compositions. Naturally, each takes the opportunity to play as much as possible ? these aren´t really songs, they´re excuses fo lengthy solos. Each of the guitarists acquits themselves well and the record is surprisingly diverse, ranging from uncontrollable metal and frazzled hard-rock, to blues and lyrical pop. If you´re not a guitarist or guitar fanatic, Guitars That Rule the World is bound to sound a little tedious ? after all, it´s nothing but a guitar showcase ? but for fans of hard-rock and lite-metal guitarists, this certainly offers some intriguing moments. :laugh: 抢沙发~


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